Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Ok, Here We Go
Basically, if you want to know if a piece of
fitness equipment is going to help you, here's
the long and short of it
Oh yes, way to go Jack. I really wanted to
hear something profound like "it depends"!
I'm sure that's what you are thinking, but hear
me out on this.
I don't care what piece of exercise equipment,
diet, healthy lifestyle program, or anything else
you try. If you don't use this Golden Rule,
nothing will help you or get the results you're
looking for.
Here it is, ready;
There, I said it.
If you're actually going to use something and stick
with it, you will get some kind of result with 90%
of the fitness gadgets out there. If you are not
willing to stick with it, then I don't care how good
something is, it's not going to help you.
It's like buying a shovel to dig a hole and letting it
sit in the shed hoping it will dig a hole by itself
without you picking it up and doing the work.
If you we're expecting some great revelation
in this post, well...... You just got it. Get up and
do something and stick with it!
Once you are truly committed to making a change,
then we can get into the specifics. Please take this
to heart, because it really is the key to your success.
So is a piece of equipment going to work?
It depends
It depends on whether you are going to use it and stay
with the program, or shove it in the closet, put it in the
laundry room to hang some of your wash to dry,
stick it in a corner in the basement, throw it in a pile in the
garage with the rest of the stuff you've collected. Do any of
these sound like you? Your answer should be, of course not!
That type of buying and not using scenario happens to
the other 98% of the people, not me!
Great, now we can move forward and give the specifics
on what is useful and what is useless in fitness equipment.
Next post. What is #1 in making the most change in your
fitness equipment is going to help you, here's
the long and short of it
Oh yes, way to go Jack. I really wanted to
hear something profound like "it depends"!
I'm sure that's what you are thinking, but hear
me out on this.
I don't care what piece of exercise equipment,
diet, healthy lifestyle program, or anything else
you try. If you don't use this Golden Rule,
nothing will help you or get the results you're
looking for.
Here it is, ready;
There, I said it.
If you're actually going to use something and stick
with it, you will get some kind of result with 90%
of the fitness gadgets out there. If you are not
willing to stick with it, then I don't care how good
something is, it's not going to help you.
It's like buying a shovel to dig a hole and letting it
sit in the shed hoping it will dig a hole by itself
without you picking it up and doing the work.
If you we're expecting some great revelation
in this post, well...... You just got it. Get up and
do something and stick with it!
Once you are truly committed to making a change,
then we can get into the specifics. Please take this
to heart, because it really is the key to your success.
So is a piece of equipment going to work?
It depends
It depends on whether you are going to use it and stay
with the program, or shove it in the closet, put it in the
laundry room to hang some of your wash to dry,
stick it in a corner in the basement, throw it in a pile in the
garage with the rest of the stuff you've collected. Do any of
these sound like you? Your answer should be, of course not!
That type of buying and not using scenario happens to
the other 98% of the people, not me!
Great, now we can move forward and give the specifics
on what is useful and what is useless in fitness equipment.
Next post. What is #1 in making the most change in your