Sunday, July 03, 2005


Comparing Equipment and Products (Part 1)

With the multitudes of companies designing different
pieces of fitness equipment, at least to the untrained
eye, how do we judge "the good, the bad and the ugly"?

Well your first clue should be if it says benefits like:
"relaxing and easy, complete toning in 5 minutes".

This will be my first real harsh lesson in reality.

It's NOT supposed to be easy, It takes much LONGER
than 5 minutes, and there is NO SUCH THING as toning.

Let me break this down for you in more detail. At the end,
some of you may not want be a part of my blog anymore
because the truth is too hard to accept. In other words,
the famous line in a Tom Cruise movie,"You Can't Handle
The Truth".

Most fitness and exercise equipment is geared towards
the average lazy person who doesn't want to do much work.
So words like easy, relaxing, no strain, and the like appeal
to this huge consumer market. Listen to the words that are
coming out of my keyboard: in order to succeed and reach
your goals, whatever they may be, it will require work and
lots of it. Anybody who tells you different has an eye on your

Deep down, you know I'm telling you the absolute truth.
You know this! Don't get conned into buying something else
until this sinks in. Save your money and go for a walk, ride
a bicycle, do some pushups, whatever. Just don't look for
some way of making it easier. If you do, you have lost the
ability for your body to actually do some work, burn
calories, and recruit muscle and improve your overall
condition. It doesn't matter whether you're doing it to lose
weight (fat weight), increase muscle size, or improving your
condition for health or sport activity reasons, it's all the same.

It will take work and it's won't be easy.

Even activities like Yoga or Tai Chi, as simple as they look,
will require practise to get better and it really is not that
easy in the first place. Learning the moves and positioning
will require hard work. Oh, there's that word again.
Looks like some of you already are going to the delete
button on this blog! By the time I get to the end of this post
I may be saying, "is anybody out there?".

Success in 5 minutes. This is a great flow from the
paragraphs above. What can you accomplish in 5 minutes?
Tell me honestly? Here's the answer, look at the above
paragraphs! It will take a lot longer than 5 minutes. This
is another statement that you know deep down. If you
are badly out of condition, then start at 5 minutes and
work up to at least 20 minutes and more. This is with
any piece of equipment or taking a walk, riding a bike,
etc... See, I saved you money by tellng you that it's
not the piece of equipment, but the time you put in doing
something. The 5 minutes scenerio comes from the same
advertising selling to the same demographic group, the lazy.
Oh, there goes more of you reaching for your mouse to
leave this page for good!

That's the way it is in the real world. Do you really think
all those people you admire for their physical conditioning
and attractiveness get that way by easy relaxing, no sweat
required, in just 5 minutes type of activities? I hope the
answer is obvious because if it isn't, let me personally
delete you from ever coming to my blog again.

Ok, I see one or two of you still left that are reading. You
are the lucky ones because you see the light and are actually
understanding that it's all a marketing thing. You may be
still asking " what equipment is the best. In your last post
you said you would reveal the truth". I have told you
indirectly what is best and I will continue to give more

We must be patient for a while longer while I dis-mantle
long held beliefs.

You will read things that you may never see again because
people are too busy trying to give you the song and dance
with the final act of grabbing your wallet.

Stay tuned for the next post as I destroy one the longest
held "none-words". I'm really looking forward to it.

Stay tuned.

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